Fiber For Body Cleansing - how it works and affects the body, does it lose weight ?


A healthy diet is not just about being low in calories. It is also important that the daily menu contains all the important nutrients. Fiber, a substance that aids digestion and cleanses the body of toxins, has an important place among them. Why eat fiber? The metabolism is not always working as it should. More and more people have ... Read more

Fit Healthy Bread with Nuts

fit bread without flour

Hey Today I come to you with a recipe from Ewa Chodakowska's magazine "Be Active". This is a quick and healthy substitute for standard bread. It's delicious in taste and any kitchen layman can handle it without any difficulties. From this point, I high-five every layman, because I belong to them too. Nevertheless, whenever I have ... Read more

Healthy Breakfast Recipes.

healthy breakfast

Healthy breakfast - Breakfast is the first and most important meal of the day. It's what gives you the energy to work, which is why the right choice of products is so important - so what should the perfect breakfast look like? Here are the most interesting recipes. Buckwheat with white cheese Ingredients: three tablespoons of buckwheat 50 g of lean cottage cheese one medium-sized pear one tablespoon of dried ... Read more