How to strengthen and care for your joints - tips and tricks

Joint problems are a common ailment that increases with age. It is worth taking care of the condition of joints from an early age, and the key to this is regular physical activity and a healthy diet, providing the bones and joints with appropriate micronutrients. What ingredients are particularly important for good joint health?

Why do joint problems occur?

joint problems

A joint is a movable connection between bones. Thanks to the joints, we can move and bend our limbs efficiently, but as we age, this joint mobility very often deteriorates. The main problems are loss of cartilage tissue, inflammation and calcification, which not only negatively affects mobility, but also causes severe pain. Hence the great interest in supplements to strengthen joints - What ingredients should be included in them?


Glucosamine is a natural building block of many tissues in the human body. It is also present in cartilage and it is thanks to glucosamine that joints are mobile, do not cause pain and keep the body in high efficiency. Glucosamine contained in supplements is designed to strengthen the jointIt helps to alleviate pain and restore full mobility to the limb. It also accelerates natural regeneration and slows down tissue aging.


Chondroitin is another ingredient that is very important for the proper functioning of joints. Thanks to it, joints hurt less and inflammation subsides, which prevents the development of skeletal diseases. Under the influence of chondroitin, joints degenerate more slowly, and studies indicate that it can greatly slow the development of osteoporosis.

This effect is due to the special properties of chondroitin. It increases the viscosity of the synovial fluid in joints so that they move smoothly and the bones do not rub against each other - a typical symptom of such an ailment is the characteristic creaking of joints, which is later accompanied by pain. Chondroitin also retains water in cartilage, which maintains its proper consistency, protecting joints from wear and tear.

In case of deficiency of these components, it is worth considering their supplementation, with the reservation, however, that the preparations should have a high concentration of active ingredients, in addition, they should be in a form that the body absorbs well.

Calcium - an essential component of a daily diet

Calcium is the most important element when it comes to bone health. Its deficiencies usually lead to serious bone disorders and joint problems. You should therefore provide it in your diet on a daily basis, and in case of health problems appropriate supplements may again be helpful.

What do you find calcium in? Primarily in milk and dairy products. Almonds, sesame seeds, chia seeds, nuts, sea fish, most legumes, spinach, cabbage, pumpkin, beans, poppy seeds, dried apricots, cocoa, kale, parsley and sunflower seeds are also rich in calcium.

Vitamin D3 for bone strengthening

the best for your joints

Vitamin D3 is equally important as calcium. It is responsible for proper absorption of calcium from food, so when deciding on calcium supplementation it is worth choosing such preparations which also contain this vitamin. D3 is a vitamin produced by the body, but it needs sunlight for its synthesis - that is why it is so important for the joints and bones to be outside regularly.

Vitamin D3 comes mostly from skin synthesis, but foods such as marine fish, eggs, milk, liver, and vegetable oils still provide it.

Protein for fitness

An important building block for joints and muscles is protein. In the daily diet, the supply of this micronutrient must be appropriately high, at a level of about 20-30 percent. With greater physical effort and in the case of people who train intensely, the amount of protein in the diet may be even higher, but its source is also important.

a diet for healthy joints

Most protein is found in lean meats such as chicken, and fish, including tuna and salmon, also provide a fair amount of it. Protein requirements are also covered by dairy products: yogurt, cottage cheese, skyr, kefir. For people who do not eat meat, a good solution are legumes, such as soybeans, peas, beans and lentils. If you have problems with joints, it is worth consuming more products containing gelatin - it has regenerative properties and relieves pain. However, be careful with sweet jellies, because in addition to gelatin they have a lot of sugars, artificial colors and preservatives.

Omega 3 acids for better joint health

Omega 3 fatty acids are very helpful in treating inflammation affecting the joints. They support the treatment of rheumatic diseases and reduce morning joint stiffness. Adequate amounts of these acids in the daily diet prevent premature degeneration of joints and protect cartilage from damage.

Natural omega 3 fatty acids are found in nuts, grains, oily sea fish. Very much omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids have also olive oil, of course the one cold-pressed, a valuable source is also cold-pressed rapeseed oil. Olive oil is ideal as an addition to many dishes, mainly salads, and its beneficial effects will feel not only the joints, but also the cardiovascular system - oil strengthens the heart and does not raise cholesterol.

Supplements with omega 3 acids are usually capsules or cod liver oil. It is worth checking the source of omega 3 acids in a given preparation - there should be no mercury or polychlorinated biphenyls.

What helps with joint pain?

Among the most effective natural remedies for joint problems is ginger. This exotic spice is known not only for its characteristic pungent taste, but also for its healing properties, which is why it has long been used in natural medicine. Ginger helps with metabolic disorders and improves appetite, increases libidoIt has a stimulating effect.

herbs for joints

Most important, however, are the pain-relieving properties and the ability to inhibit inflammation. It is not a remedy that will help in severe conditions, but as a support to the treatment it works great, accelerating recovery and protecting the joints. Ginger is best consumed in grated or powdered form, but ginger tinctures, oils, and highly concentrated extracts also work well.


Bromelain is a valued phytonutrient with healing and strengthening effects. It is mainly extracted from pineapples. Bromelain is able to break down protein structures and this is what makes it suitable for treating many ailments. It is most commonly used for burns, skin damage and osteoarthritis. However, it is important to note that bromelain can only be found in fresh pineapple, as canned fruit contains virtually no bromelain. You can also reach for supplements with bromelain.

Green tea

Green tea is one of the most powerful antioxidants. What is the significance of this for joints? Free radicals damage healthy cells and slow down regeneration, so if you manage to remove their excess, it gives you a very big health benefit. Green tea also helps relieve joint pain and Accelerate the recovery of damaged cartilage.


Nettle is full of vitamins and works well for treating a variety of conditions. It is known that nettle extract Helps reduce inflammation in joints As well as reducing pain. It's also a great immune booster, and when the immune system is functioning well, the risk of joint infections is much lower.

How to take care of your joints - summary

Joints are worth taking care of before they even start to bother you. Reconstruction of damaged cartilage is usually a long-term process, so it's better that these cavities don't occur at all, and this is most helped by diet and physical activity - when joints move frequently, micronutrients are better absorbed. Supplementation can also give a lot of benefits, but provided they are high-quality products that have a good reputation among consumers and specialists.

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