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Vitamins for hair - how to care for hair, what hair care products have the most vitamins? The appearance and condition of hair depend, among other things, on whether the hair receives sufficient amounts of valuable nutrients. The quality of one's diet is of utmost importance in this regard. It is therefore a good idea to start making changes to one's diet when hair starts to fall out, becomes brittle, dry or excessively fatty. What exactly does your hair need?
Why does hair get damaged? Do Supplements Help?
Weakening of the hair may be caused by poor health and lowered immunity, which often happens during the autumn-winter season. Hair styling treatments also do a lot of harm to the hair, even if you use good quality cosmetics. Most often, however, hair is in poor condition due to improper diet, because hair needs vitamins and minerals - without these, it will not be healthy and strong.
Can deficiencies of valuable micronutrients be supplemented with supplements? Good preparations based on vitamins and minerals certainly help, but they will not adequately replace balanced diet. Therefore, it is beneficial to combine diet with proper supplementation, still the most important thing is what we have on our plate.
One of our recommended hair care products is Hairstim.
What ingredients do you need to provide for your hair?
- Biotin
Biotin, a.k.a. vitamin H or vitamin B7, is responsible for strengthening hair structure, rapid hair growth and prevention of premature loss. Biotin also facilitates the absorption of other nutrients, mainly sulfur. Biotin can be found in milk, eggs, fish, nuts, meat, cereals, vegetables and fruits.
- B vitamins
The most important vitamins in this group for hair are:
- Vitamin B2, or riboflavin, prevents hair loss
- Vitamin B5, or pantothenic acid, regenerates hair, soothes inflammation and prevents balding
- Vitamin B6, or pyridoxine, is responsible for natural hair color and accelerates hair growth
- Vitamin B9, or folic acid, stimulates hair follicles
- Vitamin B10 strengthens hair, is responsible for its density and color
- Vitamin B12, regulates the moisture content of hair and increases its strength
B vitamins can be found in meat, fish, cereal products, legumes.
- Vitamin D3
This vitamin determines whether hair grows fast and is in good condition. Most often, weak and falling out hair is associated with a deficiency of vitamin D3, because it takes care of the proper functioning of hair follicles and controls the hair growth cycle. It is also important for hair hydration, shine and resistance to mechanical damage. Vitamin D is obtained through exposure to sunlight, while marine fish, egg yolks, and mushrooms are food sources.
- Vitamin A
It is also called beta-carotene. Its deficiency affects the condition of not only hair, but also skin and nails. Thanks to vitamin A hair follicles function properly, are well nourished and can grow healthy, strong and thick hair. Where to look for it? Best in green and red vegetables, stone fruits (e.g. apricots), pumpkin seeds, liver, fatty fish and fatty dairy products.
- Vitamin E
It is a very potent antioxidant, which means that it removes harmful free radicals from the body - It is because of them that the body ages faster, hair gets damaged and does not want to grow, cell regeneration is much slower. Vitamin E stimulates the renewal of hair follicles, gives hair an attractive appearance and shine, builds its resistance to external factors.
Vitamin E can be found in seeds, sprouts and nuts, vegetable and olive oils, whole grain products, milk, eggs, green vegetables.
- Vitamin C
A very important vitamin for our immunity. It is another powerful antioxidant that takes care of the proper metabolism of cells, strengthens the circulatory system, activates the synthesis of collagen and hyaluronic acid, improves iron absorption. Thanks to vitamin C hair is perfectly moisturized and shiny, does not split at the ends, does not fall out and does not gray. Vitamin C is mainly found in citrus fruits, red fruits and vegetables.
A large amount of vitamins and natural ingredients are also found in skin creams such as Eternelle Gold Day cream.
The most important elements for good hair
The action of vitamins is supplemented by the action of minerals. Their lack also translates into a worse appearance of hair, and the most important elements in this regard are:
- Zinc - produces creatine, the basic building block of hair. Zinc deficiencies result in hair loss and are also the cause of various scalp diseases. Zinc deficiencies result in hair loss and lead to various skin diseases. However, when there is an adequate supply of zinc, the hair roots work much better and new hair is strong and resistant to damage. Zinc is supplied by seeds, seafood, cocoa and cheese, among other things.
- Silicon - an essential element in the production of collagen. It stimulates hair growth, adds elasticity, thickens hairstyle and prevents baldness. Strengthens hair follicles and cleanses hair of toxins. Sources of silicon are mainly whole-grain cereal products.
- Copper - maintains natural hair color, stimulates collagen production and elasticity, increases hair elasticity and density. The sources of copper are mainly seeds and nuts.
- Magnesium - strengthens hair, improves its elasticity and thickness, protects against split ends. Magnesium deficiency may lead to dandruff and hair loss. Magnesium is provided by such foods as seeds, fish, cereal products and cocoa.
- Iodine is an element responsible for the sweat glands and good condition of the scalp. It participates in the process of hair growth, nourishes hair bulbs, gives hair a beautiful, healthy shine. It takes care of the proper hormonal balance. The main source of iodine are sea fish and seafood.
- Iron - without iron, hair becomes very weak and brittle, becomes dull, and begins to split at the ends. Iron stimulates the process of cell regeneration and is essential for hair, skin and nails to be in optimal condition. The element is found in meat offal, animal fats, legumes, green vegetables, cereals, dried fruits, nuts and seeds.
- Sulfur provides hair with shine and strength. It is an element without which no keratin can be produced. It also improves the functioning of sebaceous glands, which means that the risk of excessive hair greasiness decreases. Sources of sulphur include onions, garlic, dairy products, red meat, dark fruits and tomatoes.
- Selenium is an element which takes care of cleansing the body from toxins and free radicals. It is available in such foods as grains, eggs, nuts, fish and mushrooms.
- Omega 3 acids - unsaturated fatty acids are counted among the good fats. They should not be missing from the daily diet, because they ensure immunity, strengthen the cardiovascular system and have a good impact on intellectual abilities. They are also important for the appearance of hair, because they slow down the aging process and protect against harmful effects of external factors. An adequate amount of omega 3 acids is a guarantee of fast hair growth and its attractive appearance. These acids can be found in oily sea fish, seafood, vegetable oils, nuts and soya beans.
Omega 3 and omega 6 acids are also contained in the recommended preparation Wintex Ultra.
The most important amino acids
The last group of ingredients that are very important for good hair condition are amino acids. They are responsible for a number of processes related to hair growth and regeneration:
- Arginine - stimulates hair follicles and boosts circulation, allowing more vital nutrients to reach hair follicles
- Cystine - provides resistance to hair and ensures a nice hairstyle
- Taurine - It makes the hair grow thicker, the hairstyle gets thicker and the hair is less brittle and does not split at the ends
- Methionine - an important building block of hair structure, takes part in synthesis of keratin
- Cysteine - improves the absorption of sulfur, iron and zinc
- Tyrosine - blocks hair loss and produces melanin so hair retains its natural color
All amino acids important for hair are provided by dairy products, fish, lean meat, nuts, seeds, eggs, most vegetables, and grain products.