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Excess water in the body is a very common problem. It often affects women, but men also have this disorder, and most often it is due to an unhealthy lifestyle - it is mainly a poor diet that leads to the accumulation of water in the tissues and difficulty in excreting it. Excess water usually makes it very difficult to lose weight, besides, it can be simply painful, as a puffy abdomen and swollen joints are then annoying. Can this be remedied somehow?
Hydration of the Body
It may sound paradoxical, but the best thing for excess water is high fluid intake. Specifically, water, because not every beverage can cope with cleansing the body. What we drink during the day matters as much as the quality and caloric content of our meals. The main mistake here is reaching for sweetened juices and carbonated drinks too often, as these liquids do not hydrate at all, but only increase the amount of toxins in the body. The healthiest fluid is simply pure water, spring or mineral, and it is water that should be drunk as often as possible during the day.

Why is water so important and how can it remove excess fluids from the body? When there is not enough water, toxins linger in the cells instead of being expelled through metabolism. With higher water intake, toxins are simply flushed out of the internal organs, so they begin to work more efficiently.
This cleansing helps accelerate fat burning, which is why proper hydration of the body is fundamental in any weight loss diet. Drinking large amounts of water makes body fluids circulate through the body more efficiently and quickly, and excess unnecessary fluids are then easily excreted in urine, feces and sweat.
Fat burning can be further accelerated by drinking cold water with ice. Cold water forces the body to heat the liquid, and for this you need an extra dose of energy. Of course, with the amount of cold water should not be exaggerated, especially during hot weather - sudden changes in temperature can cause infection.
There is one more thing to remember - you should not drink large amounts of water at once, because it unnecessarily distends the stomach and can cause unpleasant discomfort. Water should be drunk throughout the day, in smaller amounts, but often, only then will hydration be correct and have a good effect on the functioning of the entire body. If a single dose of water is too large, it goes mostly to the bladder and is immediately excreted, so nothing really changes - the body's hydration is still inadequate.
Herbal infusions
Water seems not tasty enough? It's worth reaching for herbs. Herbal teas and all sorts of healthy infusions made from medicinal plants are perfect as natural body cleansers. As a rule, herbs are diuretic, so they speed up the excretion of toxins and help properly hydrate the body. In addition, they speed up fat burning and metabolism, so at the same time they will also work for weight loss.
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What herbs are worth reaching for?
If only for green parsley. Parsley has a very diuretic effect, both in the form of an infusion of dried leaves and in its natural, green form. Parsley can be added to most meals, it will greatly enrich their taste and increase their nutritional value. Nettle tea, strongly diuretic and rich in valuable minerals, also works very well. Among the most effective herbs is also horsetail, which is excellent for cleansing the body of all deposits and helps restore the proper balance in water management.
Meals without salt
Salt is a staple kitchen condiment and, as it turns out, extremely harmfula. Excess salt always causes water retention in the body, on top of that it also leads to hypertension, many cardiovascular diseases, has an impact on high cholesterol. That's why it has long been recommended to limit daily salt intake, which is proving to be quite a challenge with today's dietary style. SSalt is not only used as a classic condiment in cooking home meals, it is also an integral ingredient in processed foods. So it is not enough not to salt your soup or sandwiches, you still have to give up all kinds of salty snacks, ready-made soups or sauces, even in baked goods the salt content can exceed the recommended standards.
In other words, the more you eat unprocessed food, the better for your health. However, when cooking meat or fish, it is enough to use spices other than salt - it is possible, and you will quickly get used to the new, less salty taste and like it very much. Giving up salt will soon make itself known - the body will become lighter, swelling will subside, and the weight loss treatment will finally begin to bring the expected results.
More fiber
Excess water in the body can absorb fiber, therefore, it is an ingredient that absolutely must not be missing from the daily diet. Fiber has a lot of advantages. In addition to removing excess water, it improves the absorption of nutrients through the digestive system, accelerates the excretion of toxins and greatly helps you lose weight. Fiber can be found in fresh vegetables, fruits, bran, cereals, whole grain products, nuts, chia seeds.
However, fiber is a demanding ingredient - in the sense that it forces the intestines to work very hard. So if you have consumed little fiber so far, you should introduce it to your menu slowly and carefully, otherwise you will end up with a stomach ache. The body simply has to get used to digesting food faster, so you can't switch to a high-fiber diet overnight.
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The second thing - fiber will only work if you consume it along with water. Fiber is dry fiber, which without water does not swell, but turns into a heavy mass lingering in the intestines. But when you drink a lot of water, this water is absorbed by the fiber, which then properly moves through the digestive system and captures unnecessary metabolic products along the way.
Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables
Vegetables and fruits are not at all a common ingredient in the modern diet, hence the increasing digestive problems and the ever-increasing overweight, it is worth starting the day with a healthy breakfast. Vegetables and fruits are very important in cleansing the body of excess fluids, as they have a hydrating effect and are a rich source of valuable bioflavonoids. Bioflavonoids strengthen tissues and protect capillaries from fluid leakage, which is where joint swelling comes from.
As for vegetables, virtually all of them contain fiber and are excellent for hydrating the body. Among fruits, the most valuable in this regard are oranges, watermelon, grapefruit, peaches, pineapples, berries. It is also worth eating fruits with diuretic properties - cranberries are ideal here.
Importantly, in the case of fruits, they should be consumed raw, not in the form of juices, because the fiber and many valuable components are in the fruit pulp and fibers, which usually do not get into the juice. Consuming raw fruit is also not a substitute for ready-made juices, as there is always a lot of extra sugar in them, which completely reduces the health-promoting properties of fruit.
Reduce carbohydrates
Along with increasing the amount of fiber, carbohydrate intake should be reduced at the same time, especially the caloric ones. Carbohydrates are, of course, necessary for health, but you need to look for valuable sources. A lot of carbohydrates have the previously mentioned vegetables and fruits, besides wholemeal bread, wholemeal pasta, brown rice. the most valuable carbohydrates are simply in low-processed products, and they should dominate the daily diet. Instead, you should exclude fattening sweets, white bread, pasta with sauces - 'bad' carbohydrates retain water in the body.
Proper bacterial flora
Excess water is often due to the fact that the bacterial balance in the digestive system has been disrupted, and the body has become over-acidified. Again, a poor diet is to blame, so eat plenty of deacidifying foods, such as fresh pickles, lean dairy with live bacteria cultures, green vegetables (e.g., eggplant, cucumbers, spinach). A deacidified body is much better at removing excess water.
More traffic
Movement is an essential part of a healthy lifestyle. He also has a huge impact on whether the body will retain fluids in the cells or properly excrete them. Movement, above all, speeds up the metabolism and increases the excretion of toxins with sweat - there is a lot of sodium in sweat secretions, and it is responsible for water retention.
During sports, blood vessels dilate, so circulation speeds up, circulation is at the right level, what the body does not need disappears from the bloodstream faster, has a salutary effect on the cardiovascular system. By exercising regularly, one simply takes care of one's health, not to mention that it is much easier to get rid of unwanted excess weight.
Recommended daily a dose of physical activity is at least 30 minutes. It does not have to be a very demanding sport, even an intensive march or normal cycling will do the job. There are so many types of physical activity that it is easy for everyone to find an activity for themselves, exactly the kind that gives pleasure and is not just an unpleasant chore.
Sleep as a regulator of the Organism
Sleep is one of the body's most effective regulators. It is during sleep that the body properly regenerates, gains strength for the next day, and helps restore the proper rhythm to natural processes, including water management. However, sleep is still very underestimated, although often instead of complicated health-promoting treatments it would be better to simply go to bed earlier and get at least seven hours of sleep. Therefore, if you care about the well-being of your body, you need to get a good night's sleep every day.
Only regularity helps
Which of these methods is most effective in eliminating excess water in the body? All of them, and they should be used at the same time, so that they reinforce each other's effects. Drinking a lot of water won't help that much if at the same time you eat only unhealthy things, full of salt and fattening carbohydrates, and sports will be of no use if you don't take care of the right amount of healthy fluids and the right dose of vitamins and minerals. These recommendations should be applied every day, all the time, not just occasionally, because then they make no sense at all.
It is also worth bearing in mind that although there are quite a few preparations on the market to help remove excess water, the most effective and safest methods are always natural. Supplementation can be a valuable support for a healthy lifestyle, but certainly not a substitute for healthy eating habits and daily care for your body.